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Heute, Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2024
27. Juni 2014 - 29. Juni 2014

"Just by simple doing, I got a brother"
24 Stundenperformance
von Ilka Theurich
im Stadtzentrum von Nicosia, ZYPERN

Beginn: 28. Juni 2014 um 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 29. Juni 2014 um 18:00 Uhr

"The 2nd edition of the Cyprus International Performance Art festival is titled "priority route" and it focuses on site-specific performance. This theme suggests an invisible route in the city of Nicosia that becomes visible and tangible through the presence of the artists. The live action turns the daily to an ephemeral situation while suggesting and questioning about priorities in our lives. At the same time, it endeavors to engage the public in this process and the artists in the local peculiarity."

Teilnehmende Künstlerinnen:
Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter (Germany/UK)
Alexandros Plomaritis (Greece)
Christina Georgiou (Cyprus)
Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith (Germany)
Fausto Gracia (Mexico)
Ilka Theurich (Germany)
Lee Wen (Japan/Singapore)
Ray Langenbach (U.S./Finland/Malaysia)
Roberto De la Torre (Mexico)
Santiago Contreras Soux (Bolivia)